Help Fundraise for Drains to Ocean.
It's easy to Fundraise for D2O — and rewarding!
Drains to Ocean is a *501c3, tax deductible charity which makes it pretty simple to achieve support and raise money from local businesses, for the cause.
If your business or organization would like to host a fundraiser to support our charity, or if you have any questions regarding donations. Please fill out the form below and we'll get back to you.
Thank you for your support!
There are many ways to fundraise for Drains to Ocean. Here are a few ideas.
You can hold a small event and donate all or a protion of the proceeds to D2O.
Hold a raffle at your next function and donate the proceeds to D2O.
Host a recycling fundraiser at your local school or business, and donate the proceeds to D2O.
Need to get rid of some junk? Have a garage sale or auction and donate the proceeds to D2O.
Hold a bake sale and donate the proceeds to D2O.
Go to your local restaurant chains and ask if you can host a fundraiser night. Many chain restaurants will do this and give a percentage to your non-profit.